Intelligence is one of the smartest cop dramas in years…viewers however should be prepared to pay attention, Intelligence is crowded with more than 60 characters, but not one of them is superfluous. They all fit together in a complex jigsaw of double crosses and deceit...a terrific script by Chris Haddock.
Marc Horton - The Vancouver Sun
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An angry man was calling to ask me why Canadian television programs existed at all. They are, said the man, supported by taxpayer dollars, they're not very good and nobody watches them. He pursued his theme for some minutes. When there was an opening, following another exclamation that Canadian TV programs are inferior, I interjected with a few words -"Da Vinci's Inquest" This halted his gallop. "That's the exception, it's very good, it's world class," he said. So I said to him, "well there you go."
John Doyle - The Globe and Mail
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This awkward but lovable coroner stands at the core of the best and most successful drama on English-language CBC television and one of the best written programs ever. In Canada he's been a hit since his first appearance in 1998...
Robert Fullford – The National Post
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Dominic Da Vinci is back. As usual there's going to be hell to pay. But as Canada's top-rated and longest running dramatic TV series enters its seventh season, our crusading coroner has pointed his gumshoes in a new direction and is now taking his gobsmacked fury out on City Hall.
Alexandra Gill – The Globe and Mail
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